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PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:57:51    Post subject: WoWRage.US update

Some bad news...

Despite careful and regular backups of the Beta server's database, my server has suffered a catastrophic core break that is unrepairable because the original binaries were not compiled by me; we operated a well-known repack for almost two years, and tweaked it to suit our needs.

Over time, changes became a little overwhelming to me, given the absence of more experience and better midware. My recent attempts to compile a similar core from scratch have been incompatible with the last version of Jeutie's that I have, so sadly, without more expertise, my home-box LAN project is presently deceased.

I've paid for three years of domain registration for wowrage dot US and have declined buying wowrage dot com from the idiot who believes it is worth several thousand dollars ().


If and when we come back, it will be with local-compiled binaries on the latest and greatest trinitycore and a stable custom database which will allow transmog, reforging, and the few extra perks that made our solo server project a unique but challenging personal experience.

No ETA, sorry to say.

Recent events have taken a significant toll on my leisure time and willpower.


Thanks for reading