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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 23:52:05    Post subject: [EQ] BiC Quest Checklist

This is a work in progress. If playing on an EQEmu server, use this guide at your own risk. PEQ and AX servers do not have everything working 100% and you may require GM assistance to complete some of these steps.

distilled from http://www.bonzz.com/bic.htm and

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BiC Preflag
You must be level 65+ to begin the BIC quests
[ ] Tell 'I would be interested in helping the Wayfarers Brotherhood' to Fezbin Fizzles (-35, +60, +160 in Abysmal Sea)
[ ] Tell Fezbin 'How do I make it more powerful' and receive A Socketed White Crystal and Vaifan's Experimental Sealer, a 4-slot container
BiC Step 1 (Qinimi)
[ ] Speak to Taminoa Bialu in Abysmal Sea and say 'What is Qinimi'
[ ] Get Kreshin's Journal Page in Qinimi (Groundspawn at +310, -1060)
[ ] Return Kreshin's Journal Page to Taminoa Bialu in Abysmal Sea
[ ] Locate Councilman Sislono Nislan in Qinimi, and hand him the Journal Page obtained back from Taminoa
[ ] Hand Councilman Sislono the 3 items to make a Stone of Entry
-----[ ] Stonedust Particles (random drop in Riwwi)
-----[ ] Glob of Mud (random drop in the Sewers)
-----[ ] Piece of Chalk (random drop in Qinimi)
[ ] Do single group Stone of Entry trial

You may need a group of 3+ and all must be pre-flagged and present in Qinimi; (being in a group BUT the only one in the zone does not work to begin the trial)

[ ] Speak to Kreshin Silentcog and give him the stone of entry to obtain Writ of the Magi
[ ] Give Writ of the Magi to Taminoa Bialu in Abysmal Sea


[ ] Locate Councilman Sislono Nislan in Qinimi, and hand him the Writ of the Magi obtained back from Taminoa
[ ] Kill Pixtt Xictic Krvne in Qinimi, loot Xictic's Bloody Robes
[ ] Give Xictic's Bloody Robes to Taminoa Bialu in Abysmal Sea and receive a A Dull Gem Shard
BiC Step 2 (Barindu)
[ ] Speak to Taminoa Bialu in Abysmal Sea and say 'What is Barindu'.
[ ] Obtain Talwins Journal
-----[ ] Talwin's Journal Page 1 (Random drop from Barindu Mobs)
-----[ ] Talwin's Journal Page 2 (Random drop from Barindu Mobs)
[ ] Give Journal Pages to Opury Foop in Abysmal Sea.
[ ] Obtain Warmly Faction with the Nihil
[ ] Speak to Proteri Amari in Barindu, and say 'Who is Talwin'. Follow text and receive Simple Stone Band.
[ ] Give Simple Stone Band to Kunimi Falade in Barindu.
[ ] Obtain Poison Ingredients.
-----[ ] Black Hynid Bile (Drop from Hynids in Natimbi)
-----[ ] Yellow Tide Feaster Bile (Drop from Tide Feasters in Natimbi)
-----[ ] Writhing Mass of Insect Larva (Drop in the Sewers), -----[ ] a Vial of Corrosive Slime (Drop in the Sewers)
[ ] Give ingredients to Kunimi Falade in Barindu. Receive a Poisoned Fruit.
[ ] Give Poisoned to Proteri Amari in Barindu.
[ ] Give returned Poisoned Fruit to Abena Taifa in Barindu.
[ ] Give returned Poisoned Fruit to Chiaka Lerato in Barindu.
[ ] Speak to Hamisi Lerato in Absymal Sea, say 'Chiaka is Alive'. Receive a Tattered Shawl.
[ ] Give Tattered Shawl to Chiaka Lerato and receive Serving Tray.
[ ] Have a small raid ready. If Ixvet is spawned, give Serving Tray and Poisoned Fruit to Abena Taifa in Barindu. Receive Abena's Collar of Liberation.
[ ] Kill IxVet and loot The Fallen Skeleton. Receive Talwin's Final Report.
[ ] Give Talwin's Final Report to Taminoa in Abysmal Sea. Receive A Shiny Gem Shard.
BiC Step 3 (Riwwi)
[ ] Speak to Taminoa Bialu in Abysmal Sea and say 'What is Riwwi'.
[ ] Obtain Reyna's Bloody Earring (Random mob drop in Riwwi).
[ ] Give Reyna's Bloody Earring to Taminoa in Abysmal Sea.
[ ] Obtain Warmly faction with Yunjo resistance by giving correct food or drink to Yunjo Slaves:
-----Thirsting Yunjo - Needs Taelosian Tea
-----Starved Yunjo - Something with Cragbeast
-----Emaciated Yunjo - Something with Crab
-----Famished Yunjo - Something with Tuna
-----Hungry Yunjo - Something with Hynid
[ ] Speak to Namosa Bubundu in Riwwi. Say 'What Favor' and receive a Scuffed Signet Ring.
[ ] Give a Scuffed Signet Ring to Pandula Bubundu in Abysmal Sea. Receive Pandula's Final Words.
[ ] Give Pandula's Final Words to Namosa in Riwwi. Receive a Token of Understanding.
[ ] Give Pandula's Final Words to Councilman Tentric in Qinimi.Receive a Symbol of Faith.
[ ] Give a Symbol of Faith to Pandula Bubundu in Abysmal Sea. Receive a Drakelily.
[ ] Give a Drakelily to Namosa Bubundu in Riwwi. Receive a Crescent Stone Amulet.
[ ] Speak to Turlini in Riwwi. Say 'I have come to set you free'. Receive Turlini's Key Bag.
[ ] Collect 10 keys and combine in Turlini's Key Bag.
-----[ ] Jagged Silvery Key: A desiccated corpse trap in Riwwi spawns the key at the bottom of the canal.
-----[ ] Notched Silvery Key: dropped by Night Watchman Fxi in Riwwi
-----[ ] Serrated Silvery Key: dropped by Officiator Keviazh in Riwwi
-----[ ] Polished Silvery Key: ground spawn at various places in Riwwi
-----[ ] Ridged Silvery Key: Talk to Rorrst in Abysmal Sea.
-----[ ] Scored Silvery Key: Say 'Please' to Inibi the Confused in Riwwi with begging skill over 151.
-----[ ] Five-Toothed Silvery Key: Drop from the Aneuks in Barindu's temple area
-----[ ] Elongated Silvery Key: Ground spawn at -112,285 in a ruined building in Barindu
-----[ ] Edgeless Silvery Key: Rare drop in Qinimi from kyvs and nocs
-----[ ] Blunt Silvery Key: Dropped by Pixtt Krakt Ticov or Pixtt Trext Rexi in Qinimi
[ ] Give combined bag of keys to Turlini. Receive flag for triggering Riwwi Arena event.
[ ] Complete all 10 rounds of Riwwi Arean Event. Receive Sash of the Yunjo's Champion.
[ ] Give Sash of the Yunjo's Champion to Turlini. Receive Reyna's Scout Report.
[ ] Give Reyna's Scout Report to Taminoa in Abysmal Sea. Receive A Glowing Gem Shard.
BiC Step 4 (Ferubi)
[ ] Speak to Taminoa Bialu in Abysmal Sea and say 'What is Ferubi'. Receive a Tuned Farstone.
[ ] Give a Tuned Farstone to Smith Rondo in Ferubi. Receive a Sealed Report.
[ ] Give a Sealed Report to Taminoa Bialu in Abysmal Sea.
[ ] Complete the Smith Rondo/WeaponMaster raid in Ferubi and Hail the Smith's Spectral Memory. Receive a Rondo's Report.
[ ] Give a Rondo's Report to Taminoa in Abysmal Sea. Receive A Green Colored Gem Shard.
BiC Step 5 (Sewers)
[ ] Speak to Vaifan Cogswin in Abysmal Sea and say 'What sewers'. Receive a Broken Clockwork Output Gearbox. (4 slot container)
[ ] Complete Broken Clockwork Output Gearbox, Receive Repaired Clockwork Output Gearbox and Mangled Report.
-----[ ] Timing Gear - Named in Emanating Crematory
-----[ ] Oiled Cog - Named in Lair of the Trapped Ones
-----[ ] Rusty Spring - Named in Pool of Sludge
-----[ ] Processing Gizmo - Named in Purifying Plant
[ ] Give Mangled Report to Vaifan in Abysmal Sea. Receive Muddy Gem Shard.
BiC Step 6 (Vxed)
[ ] Speak to Vaifan Cogswin in Abysmal Sea and say 'What is Vxed".
[ ] Create a Clockwork Scout Shell. Combine random drops in Vxed in Flickering Finkenheimer (a random drop container)
-----[ ] Flickering Finkenheimer ( Container )
-----[ ] Tarnished Sprocket
-----[ ] Uncoiled Springs
-----[ ] Greased Belt
-----[ ] Connection Rods
[ ] Give Clockwork Scout Shell to Vaifan in Abysmal Sea. Receive a Dusty Gem Shard.
BiC Step 7 (Tipt)
[ ] Speak to Vaifan Cogswin in Abysmal Sea and say 'What is Tipt'. Receive a Depleted Clockwork Power Pack ( 6 slot container).
[ ] Combine Power Cells in Depleted Clockwork Power Pack. Receive a Fully Charged Power Pack
-----[ ] Power Cell A - Cragbeast Room
-----[ ] Power Cell B - Ghost Room
-----[ ] Power Cell C - Key Room
-----[ ] Power Cell D - Rikabi the Riddler
-----[ ] Power Cell E - Kyv Heartstriker Jhiru
[ ] Give Fully Charged Power Pack to Vaifan in Abysmal Sea. Receive a Dirt Covered Gem Shard, Extended Life Power Pack, A Power Pack Adapter, and Clockwork Scout Assembly Instructions.
[ ] Combine Extended Life Power Pack, Power Pack Adapter, Repaired Clockwork Output Gearbox, and Inactive Clockwork Scout Module in Vxed or Tipt.
[ ] Speak to Clockwork Scout Model XIII. Say 'Access code 040703'. Receive an Outer Regions Scouting Report.
[ ] Give Outer Regions Scouting Report to Vaifan in Abysmal Sea. Receive a XXX Gem Shard.
BiC Step 8 (Yxxta)
[ ] Speak to L'diava Rexxen in Abysmal Sea and say 'What is Yxxta'.
[ ] Obtain Xounii's Journal Page 1. (Random drop off of a Primal)
[ ] Give Xounii's Journal Page 1 to L'diava Rexxen in Abysmal Sea.
[ ] Obtain 4 Xounii's Journal Page parts.
-----[ ] Xounii's Journal Page 2 Left Half (Primal Arachnid and Random Spiders)
-----[ ] Xounii's Journal Page 2 Right Half (Pixxt Suir Mindrider and random mobs)
-----[ ] Xounii's Journal Page 3 Left Half (Primal Reptile and randome cragbeasts)
-----[ ] Xounii's Journal Page 3 Right Half (Primal Insect and random insects)
[ ] Gove 4 Xounii's Journal Page parts to L'diava Rexxen in Abysmal Sea. Receive a Translucent Gem Shard.
BiC Step 9 (Kod'Taz)
[ ] Speak to L'diava Rexxen in Abysmal Sea and say 'What frightful temple'.
[ ] Obtain Kitren's Tattered Cloak in Pile of Bones at end of Ikkinz Group Trial 3.
[ ] Give Kitren's Tattered Cloak to L'diava Rexxen in Abysmal Sea. Receive a note.
[ ] Give note to Kevren Nalavat in Kod'Taz. Say "what other tasks".
[ ] Complete Kevren's tasks.
-----[ ] Obtain 4 Glyphs of the Damned (Drop off Guards in Pile of Bones event)
-----[ ] Obtain 4 piles of dust (Ground Spawn in Martyrs Passage)
-----[ ] Obtain Grand Summoner's Glyph ( Drops off boss of Summoner ring event)
-----[ ] Obtain 4 relics from the Martyrs Passage ( Drop off of ghosts in Martyrs Passage )
-----[ ] Obtain a parchment of flesh ( Drops off anything in Martyrs Passage )
[ ] Tell Kevren 'I have done all you asked.'. Receive a Sealed Confession.
[ ] Give a Sealed Confession to L'diava Rexxen in Abysmal Sea. Receive a Smoky Gem Shard.
BiC Step 10 (Abysmal Sea)
[ ] Speak to Fezbin Fizzles in Abysmal Sea and say 'I have completed your task'. Receive a Jagged Blood Shard.
BiC Step 11 (Qvic)
[ ] Speak to Beanalle Banoam in Abysmal Sea. Say 'What have you discovered?', 'What matter?', 'What drawback?', 'What Item?', 'Yes.'.
[ ] Loot A Shard of Dark Matter from Cynosure Kvanjji, the boss of Qvic.
[ ] Give A Shard of Dark Matter to Beanalle in Abysmal Sea. Receive a Condensed Matter Shard
BiC Step 12 (Inktu'ta)
[ ] Loot A Shard of Dark Matter from Noqufiel, the boss of Inktu'ta.
[ ] Give A Shard of Dark Matter to Beanalle in Abysmal Sea. Receive a Condensed Matter Shard
BiC Step 13 (Txevu)
[ ] Loot A Shard of Dark Matter from Zun`Muram Tkarish Zyk, the boss of Txevu
[ ] Give A Shard of Dark Matter to Beanalle in Abysmal Sea. Receive a Condensed Matter Shard
BiC Step 14 (Tacvi)
[ ] Loot A Cracked Shard of Power from Tunat`Muram Cuu Vauax, the box of Tacvi.
[ ] Give A Cracked Shard of Power to Beanalle in Abysmal Sea. Receive XXX(Class)XXX Shard

Thanks to Weez!