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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 22:14:10    Post subject:

Sorry for being out of the loop, but I only know the story that was told by the media.  What are the other or others? 


For me this incident just solidifies how fucked up the US gun policy is, regardless of it being accurate or not.  

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:55:23    Post subject:

Honestly, none of this is a surprise to me, at all. If anything, this is still morally better than my own conclusions about it, so, props to you for staying optimistic! :D

... I do miss our armchair philosophy discussions.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 16:22:07    Post subject: [Op Ed] Sandy Hook Tragedy

Hello, my intention here is simply to inspire some objective thinking, not rehash just how awful the reported incident was, nor make light of any of it, nor to divide readers into polar camps about the specifics of what occurred or when, or, even- didn't, or-- "might not have."


Those who know me well, know that I am very skeptical; indeed, by nature, I doubt almost everything that I cannot tie to personal experience with objective reasoning.

For the past two years, I have had a tacit interest in researching the infamous Sandy Hook Elementary School incident that occurred December 14th, 2012, since it showed many of the signs of a true "false flag" event. My past "default" position of this incident was simply that it was real mass-shooting event, carried out by one (or more) shooter(s), and that it was a real tragedy that the DOJ and Executive Branch of our government hastily prepared to capitalize on, and one that our corrupt Mainstream Media outlets were already anxiously awaiting to create social friction and viewer ratings with. 

As I looked deeper into the evidence and events preceding (and following) the incident, I admit, my basic logical conclusion was shaken a bit. Questions which had no good answers arose, for which we still do not have any satisfactory responses from the persons and institutions which are accountable, nor any semblance of professional or governmental transparency. The most damning evidence in favor of the so-called "Hoaxters" (or "Conspiracy Theorists" camp; choose your diminutizing label), seems to be the actual reports by the state and federal government agencies involved in the wake of the incident. Innumerable problems with linking ANY of the "hundreds" of bullets to ANY of the alleged-recovered law-abiding weapons, and then ANY of the weapons to the Lanza home (save one REDACTED-NAME prior felon); the DNA samples which seem to exclude Adam Lanza's alleged "liver sample" from any of the weapons, but include Dawn Hochsprung (the school Principal, supposedly among the first to be slain by the raging Asperger's Syndrome sufferer) are weird, to say the least.

The main proponents of the "official" story, and those who seek to enshrine the myths and outright falsehoods, bother me tremendously; not for what are often relentless viscious ad hominem attacks in the media and blogosphere, not even for what amounts to unshakable belief in mainstream media "truth"-- but the bigger issue; that of willful ignorance and hypocrisy.

I have come to realize that a good many of my fellow citizens; family, and friends; would rather accept the worst of imaginable social horrors on the flimsiest of evidences from the most incredible sources on the very ruse that [whatever occurred] is "the official story" than be even the slightest bit inquisitive, much less- admit that they simply do not know really what happened, while displaying such Olympic apathy.

It's un-nerving that so many people want this tragedy to ALL be true; as wiki'ed; as MSM'd.

They WANT it to be REAL.

It's kinda sick.

Maybe even sicker than the "nutcase" belief that it was all just a very elaborate hoax.


There certainly are questions; and lots we don't have sufficient answers to; and certainly a great deal of misreporting and misinformation, and gross misconduct by the mainstream media (as ever, lately).

No shared knowledge is certain, philosophically, since it is (technically) "copied" data; but the most important events that have recently shaped our civilization's image seem to be "high-tech barbarism" and many of them were indeed myths, exaggerations, or outright falsehoods.


Enjoy and Beware